Creating Netflix for yoga classes

The app had gone through an acquisition, rebrand, and change in business model, but hadn't been updated. I was hired to do the redesign.

I worked closely with the project manager, engineers, and researchers to prioritize feature development. I also worked with the brand manager and marketing leads to support the website design.

Product Development
View Figma file
Core styles were created as master styles in Figma, but presented for easy access by the engineering and brand teams.
Core elements as Figma master components with variants.
I custom-designed a full icon library to match the Alo Moves brand.
Each breakpoint had clear guidelines for size and spacing.

First things first: Yoga UI

When I started there was no design system to work off of, so I set up a comprehensive set of components in Figma. I continued to add to this as new features requires elements that could be reused.

Redesigned Browse experience made finding classes much easier
The old app made it challenging to find activity stats - the new design made it a tap away
The class view is the core of the experience, so it received special attention
New video player added controls for music, casting, quality, and logging while actually being simpler visually
I defined four core playlist cover templates
I designed every screen for mobile, tablet, and desktop
New feature design for goals
Home desktop
Home mobile
Class mobile
Created the vision for integrating classes with an Apple Watch app
My vision for viewing logs from your Apple Watch
Began redesign on the Apple TV app
Supported web initiatives as well

Redesigning the app for web, tablet, and phone

But not just redesign - my job also included vision for new features (Apple Watch and TV apps) and support for other teams. I designed the gift card purchase experience for web, new website navigation, and other projects as well.

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